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Edmark Product Range 971503464496

Edmark Product Range

Currently there are three ranges of products under the Edmark brand:

  • Healthy Living Products (food supplements and beverages)
  • Healthy Cooking Products
  • Household novelty products

Healthy Living Products


Health supplements and consumable products that are specifically intended for slimming, weight management and over-all wellness. They include:

  • Shake Off Phyto Fiber
  • MRT Complex
  • Splina Liquid Chlorophyll
  • Edmark Cafe Ginseng Coffee
  • Red Yeast Coffee
  • Bio-Elixir
  • Bubble C
  • CoCollagen
  • Spirulina Tablets
  • Medirub

All Edmark Healthy Living Products come with a 60 days (from the date of purchase) No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Healthy Cooking Products

Ceramix  is a unique formulation of material developed by Edmark which is a combination of ceramics and plastic. It is a range of microwave-friendly table, kitchen and storage ware consisting of over twenty models:

Novelty Household Products

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Edmark Splina Liquid Chlorophyll - Natural Nutritional Health Drink

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants its green color. It is crucial for plant survival because it is the agent for photosynthesis. The molecular composition of chlorophyll is identical to the human blood cell, so it is often referred to as "green blood". In human blood, the nucleus of its molecule is iron, while in chlorophyll the nucleus is magnesium.

Chlorophyll is easily assimilated by the human body in its liquid state. So it cleanses the blood and builds red blood cells in no time. When ingested in its liquid form, chlorophyll remains unchanged until it reaches the small intestine. Of course, chlorophyll can be obtained by eating plenty of fresh, green plants especially those that have a deep green color. However, in plant form, chlorophyll is surrounded by fat substances which may result in only partial absorption in the small intestine.

Why do we need Liquid Chlorophyll?


Renowned American Nutritional Prof. Ragnar Berg said our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food to maintain a healthy body.

A healthy body should have an alkaline pH Level of about 7.3-7.4.

Diets based toward acidic food will result in a rise of acidic level in our body in the long run, causing various illnesses like heart disease, arthritis, high-blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and high cholesterol. Acidic food includes meat, seafood, canned food, sugar, salt, rice, egg yolk, cheese, alcohol, carbonated drink etc. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables and seaweed, etc.

Liquid Chlorophyll possesses 3 main functions; cleansing, balancing, and nourishing. These enable us to have a stronger body and better health.

1. Cleansing: Cleanses the digestive system, assists in puritying blood, eliminates bacteria, disinfects and detoxifies.

2. Balancing: Balances body acid-alkali level, boosts the functions of the body system.

3. Nourishing: Assists in red blood cell regeneration, enhances oxidation process and stimulates cell regeneration.

Chlorophyll is rich in:

1. Zinc - Zinc is an important trace mineral. It is second only to iron in its concentration in the body. Zinc plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system in the body. It is required for the enzyme activities necessary for cell division, cell growth, and wound healing. It plays a role in the acuity of the senses of smell and taste.

Zinc is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Zinc combines with Vitamin A to promote good health.

2. Selenium - Selenium is an essential trace element. It is an integral part of enzymes. Selenium has a variety of functions. The main one is its role as an antioxidant in the enzyme selenium - glutathione-peroxidase. Selenium also seens to stimulate antibody formation in response to vaccines. It also may provide protection from the toxic effects of heavy metals and other substances. It may assist in the synthesis of protein, in growth and development, and in fertility, especially in men. Selenium has been shown to improve the production of sperm and sperm motility.

3. Vitamin E - Vitamin E is a fat-soluable vitamin; it is one of the vitamins that act as antioxidiants. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from the damage of oxidation and is therefore important in anti-aging. It nourishes the skin and helps keep the brain active. It is also important in the formation of red blood cells and the use of vitamin K.

4. Vitamin C - Vitamin C promotes healthy teeth and gums, helps in the absorption of iron, aids in the maintenance of normal connective tissue, and promotes wound healing. Increases alertness and possesses anti-cancer properties. It also helps the body's immune system.

5. Vitamin A - Vitamin A helps in the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin. It is also known as retinol because it generates the pigments in the retina. Vitamin A promotes good vision, especially in dim light. It may also be required for reproduction and lactation. Beta carotene, which has antioxidant properties, is a precursor to Vitamin A. Vitamin A is also known to strengthen the heart function.

6. Protein - Proteins are complex organic compounds. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The presence of nitrogen differentiates protein from carbohydrate and fat. Protein is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein. Children and adolesscents require protein for growth and development.

7. Biotin - Biotin is essential for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates (like the other B vitamins), and in the snythesis of hormones and cholesterol.

8. Folic acid - Folic acid acts as a coenzyme (with vitamin B-12 and vitamin C) in the breakdown (metabolism) of proteins and in the synthesis of new proteins. It is necessary for the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA (which controls heredity), as well as tissue growth and cell function. It also increases the appearance and stimulates the formation of digestive acids.

9. Pantothenic Acid - A water-soluable vitamin; part of the B vitamin complex. Pantothenic acid is essential for the metabolism of food. It is essential in the synthesis of hormones and cholesterol.

10. Calcium - Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body. The bones in the human body incorporate calcium into their structure. Bones, like other tissues in the body, are continually being reabsorbed and re-formed. Teeth are also calcified tissues. They incorporate calcuim in their structure in a manner similar to bones. Calcium is essential for the formation of and maintenance of healthy teeth. Calcium has other functions in addition to maintaining healthy teeth and bones. Blood coagulation, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and relaxation, normal heart beat, stimulation of hormone secretion, activation of enzyme reactions, as well as other functions all require small amounts of calcium.

11. Chromium - Chromium is an essential mineral that is not made by the body and must be obtained from the diet. Chromium is important in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It stimulates fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis and is an activator of several enzymes.

12. Phosphorus - The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of the bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the body's utilization of carbohydrates and fats, and in the synthesis of protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. Phosphorus works with the B vitamins in their functions in the body. It also assists in the contraction of muscles, in the functioning of kidneys, in maintaining the regularity of the heartbeat, and in nerve conduction.

13. Potassium - Potassium is a mineral that is involved in both electrical and cellular functions in the body (In the body it is classified as an electrolyte). Potassium is a very important mineral to the human body. It assists in the regulation of the acid-base and water balance in the blood and the body tissues. It assists in protein synthesis from amino acids and in carbohydrate metabolism. It is necessary for the building of muscle and for normal body growth.

14. Magnesium - Magnesium is an essential mineral for human nutrition. Magnesium has several important metabolic functions. It plays a role in the production and transport of energy. It is also important for the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it assists in the functioning of certain enzymes in the body.

15. Iron - Iron is an important trace mineral that is found in every cell of the body, usually combined with protein. The mineral iron is an essential nutrient for humans because it is part of blood cells, which carry oxygen to all body cells. About 30% of the iron in our bodies is in storage to be readily available to replace lost iron. Iron is essential to the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry the oxygen in the blood and the muscle. It also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body.

It also hae other trace elements like Cobalt, Silicon and Manganese. As such, one tablespoon of Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption.

What is the best source of Liquid Chlorophyll?

All plants have abundant chlorophyll content, but it is from Mulberry in which most chlorophyll can be produced. One thousand grams (about 2 ¼ pounds) of fresh prime cut mulberry yields about 2 ¼ grams of Liquid Chlorophyll. Mulberry originated as a wild legume in Western Asia. It has been grown for nourishment for at least 3300 years, being a native feed to Asia, Europe, and North Africa. And its cultivation spread throughout the Middle East and Europe.

Mulberry, in Arabic, means "father of food" because of its powerful healing properties. Mulberry roots grow deep into the ground searching for nutrients that other plants can't reach. It's nutrient profile is composed of calcium, iron, magnesium, essential amino acids and trace elements. Mulberry contains four times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. It has high nutrient-to-calorie ratio and contains organic compounds which provide benefits to key body processes and systems. It contains eight essential enzymes;

  • Lipase - a fat splitting enzyme
  • Amylase - acts on starches
  • Coagulase - coagulates blood
  • Emulsin - acts on sugars
  • Invertase - converts cane sugars into dextrose
  • Perosidase -has an oxidizing effect on blood
  • Pectinasse - forms a vegetable jelly from a pectin substance
  • Protese - digests proteins

Moreover, Mulberry has the ability to produce oxygen. Disease producing anaerobic bacteria, which can live in the human body, cannot live in the presence of oxygen or oxygen producing agents such as chlorophyll. Thus, chlorophyll provides protection from such micro-organisms.

What World Medical Authority say about Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll Promotes Cell Regeneration and Boosts the Immune System 

Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher have in 1915 and 1930 respectively received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Chemistry for discovering the molecular structure of human red blood cells and chlorophyll. Due to this, Chlorophyll is shown to promote cell regeneration and reproduction as well as assist in building up the immune system.

Blood Production Property

Nobel Prize recipients, Dr. Richard Willstatter and Dr. Hans Fisher further discovered that the only difference between red blod cells and chlorophyll is that chlorophyll has a magnesium atom in its nucleus while red blood cells have iron. Thus, chlorophyll can help in cases of anemia and other blood deficiency conditions.

Cleanses Body of Pesticides and Drug Residue Toxins

Nutritionist Prof. Bernard Jenson pointed out that chlorophyll is effective in reducing toxin caused by pesticides and drug residue by purging them from the body. He further observed that healthy people generally have higher blood counts compared to the sick. However after high consumption of chlorophyll, the sick showed an increase in blood count and improved health.

Reduces the Body's Problems

Scientist Offten Krantz found that chlorophyll is highly beneficial to patients with stomach ulcers. Chlorophyll complements the medication prescribed by doctors for stomach ulcers.

Improves Skin Problems, Beautifies Complexion

The New England Medical Journal reported that chlorophyll can help in controlling skin problems and internal infection. The American Journal of Surgery published findings by Temple University on the use of chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.

Who Should take Splina Liquid Chlorophyll

  • People with liver problems
  • People with respiratory problems
  • People with rheumatism
  • Anemic people
  • Those with pale complexion
  • People with weight problems
  • Very skinny people
  • Very Fat people
  • Smokers and those who consume alcohol frequently
  • Those who dislike eating vegetables
  • Those who suffer from constipation
  • Those who experience menstrual pain
  • Those who often catch cold
  • Those who often have sore throats
  • People with body odor and bad breath
  • Busy and stressful people
  • Easily fatigue people
  • People who often eat out

How Do We Consume Liquid Chlorophyll?

For daily intake of Liquid Chlorophyll, add one tablespoon of Liquid Chlorophyll into a glass of water, stir well and drink at lest three times a day. It can be taken anytime as it provides you with the essential nutrients for better growth.

Aside from drinking, Liquid Chlorophyll can also be used in various situations.

For diseases of the throat like tonsillitis and laryngitis, gargle a solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts warm water every two or three hours. Do not swallow this solution due to the germs and bacteria it may contain from gargling.

In cases of gastric or peptic ulcers, and other cases of gastritis, the use of chlorophyll can provide fairly immediate relief. The suggested dosage is one tablespoon of chlorophyll in a half glass of water taken every two hours.

Liquid chlorophyll is also appropriate for diseases of the female organs. A solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts water is very soothing applied as a douche.

Go to Edmark Products E-Store Now to Order Splina Liquid Chlorophyll

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Edmark SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber - Natural Colon Cleansing Health Drink

Shake Off is a superior colon-cleansing health drink made from the best natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all toxins from our colons, leaving it clear and healthy.

Ingredients of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber

Plant Fiber

Plant or food from plant has their own shape because of the fiber content in them. Fiber that comes from plant and can be eaten is called dietary fiber. Fiber is a general name, in fact there are many kinds of fiber. As a whole, it can be divided into two groups: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble Fiber helps to control body weight because it will bulk up when mixed with water and provides a sense of fullness without increasing the calories content in food. Its gummy substance can lubricate the intestine to help the stool elimination and at the same time it can help to eliminate the coprostasis and waste in the intestine. Medical report has also pointed out that it could help to lower the blood cholesterol and sugar absorption.

Insoluble Fiber improves normal function of the intestine, lower the risk of colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, piles and movement of the intestine, increases the speed of stool elimination, thereby, effect the toxin elimination. Besides that, it can also help to lower the absorption of sugar and to control blood sugar.

Advantages of Fiber

  • Relieves diarrhea, absorbs the excessive water in the intestine.
  • Natural intestine lubricant, improves the flow of stool elimination.
  • Helps to eliminate the coprostasis that is trapped in the body, lowers the risk of colon cancer.
  • Improves peristaltic movement, relieves constipation and problem like pile and bad breath.
  • Effective colon cleanser, enhances the environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Controls the fat and cholesterol level in the body, lowers the synthesis of bad cholesterol.
  • Provides a feeling of fullness, effective to weight control.


Roselle is rich in vitamin C, the highest among local fruits, two times that of guava, and also of higher content than black currant, orange and other citrus fruits. Besides that, it also contains calcium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, fiber and natural color pigment.

Advantages of Roselle

  • Natural diuretic, helps to eliminate the toxin from the body.
  • Improves peristaltic movement of the intestine, lowers the possibility of constipation
  • Decrease blood concentration, improves blood circulation and lower the blood pressure.
  • Contains natural coolant, citric acid helps to cool down and decreases fever.
  • Rich in Vitamin C, helps to prevent scurvy (disease caused by the lack of vitamin-C).
  • Enhances the beauty of skin, relieves pimples and skin problems.
  • Prevent involuntary muscle cramp, improves systemic peristaltic movement and helps the digestion. Contains natural anti-oxidant, prevents the destruction of cells and lowers the chance of oxidative damage of liver.


Oat bran is rich in Vitamin B1, it can benefit the nervous system, and effective for mental performance. So it is known as “neurovitamin.” Besides that, it can enhance the muscle activity of gastro-intestine and heart, promote digestion and absorption of food, as well as to prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries.

Advantages of Oats

  • Acts like a sponge that absorbs the cholesterol
  • Oats contain amino acid, vitamin B1, calcium, iron, soluble fiber and etc.
  • Rich in bran and fiber which are beneficial to our digestive system and prevents colon cancer.
  • Can reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure, lower the risk of getting heart disease and stroke.
  • Natural mild sedatives, anti-depression, act as a tonic to the nervous system.
  • Relieve headaches and chronic fatigue.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that contains (-) Hydroxycitric acid (HCA). The HCA in Garcinia affects the body’s conversion of carbohydrates to fat.

Advantages of Garcinia Cambogia

  • Aids in slimming as it decreases the appetite and increases the metabolism to burn more carbohydrates.

  • Inhibits the enzyme that converts the extra sugar to fat so that the excess sugar is stored for energy, not weight gain.

  • Fills the glycogen stores in the liver and other tissues which results in more efficient energy levels, fat burning and appetite suppression.

  • Helps to regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and increases metabolism (the chemical processes by which food is changed into energy in our body).


Inulin is a polysaccharide produced by plants which acts as a “prebiotic” that stimulates the production of good bacteria such as Bifidus in the intestines.

Advantages of Inulin

  • Helps relieve diabetes mellitus by reducing the body’s need to produce its own insulin.

  • Significantly increases the level of beneficial cultures in the intestinal tract, which helps to fortify the body’s natural defenses and prevents common digestive ailments.

  • Decreases the presence of harmful bacteria including those that cause food-borne illnesses like E. Coil, Salmonelia, Staphylococcus, and Listeria.

  • Improves the absorption of minerals and synthesis (combination) of vitamins.

Advantages of Shake Off Phyto Fiber

Increased awareness of the importance of colon hygiene has led to an increase in the manufacture of laxatives and colon cleansing products. Unfortunately, most of these only provide temporary relief. Not only are they unable to cleanse impurities from the digestive system effectively, but they are also cause an imbalance in the intestinal environment after long-term use. This has adverse effects on the health of the colon.

Made from All Natural Ingredients 

SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is prepared from natural ingredients and therefore does not have side effects. It is specially formulated to effectively cleanse the intestines and colon of all impurities to create a conducive environment for the growth of good bacteria to enable the body system to function healthily. Other forms of commercially prepared laxatives could lead to some degree of dependence on their usage. Too frequent use can cause an imbalance in the intestinal environment.

 Convenient to carry around and easy to prepare 

Taking SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is no more difficult than making and drinking a cup of tea. It comes in convenient, light packages which can be popped into your handbag. It is non-addictive. This certainly is much more convenient than opting for an enema which is a costly, inconvenient and uncomfortable method of flushing the waste matter from the intestines. This procedure may also require the person to visit a clinic. People who undergo this process may become dependent on it as their intestinal walls could no longer expel waste naturally.SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is definitely a superior colon cleanser prepared from natural ingredients and been proven to have no side effects.

Benefits of Shake Off Phyto Fiber

The following are some of the benefits of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber.

1. No Coprostasis, No Colon Cancer

Waste accumulated in the digestive canal give rises to harmful carcinogenic by-products such as nitrosamines, hydrogen sulfide, etc. The good bacteria in SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber can help eliminate them and prevent coprostasis and colon cancer.

2. No Overweight 

With the modern tendency to consume excessive meat/fish and fatty foods while leading a sedentary life style, many people are experiencing coprostasis due to congested intestines without them knowing it.
Once waste matter is lodged in the intestinal folds, it cannot be eliminated easily. Being overweight is partly caused by coprostasis. The accumulation of harmful by-products and fats leads to the imbalance of the intestinal microflora or bacteria. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps prevent the accumulation of harmful by-products and fat, thereby reducing the possibility of obesity.

3. No Constipation 

An overstressed person's biological functions will suffer leading to a number of health problems, such as gastric problems, hormone imbalance and eventually constipation. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps promote the growth of good bacteria. It produces lactic acid and acetic acid as well as carbonic acid gas which stimulate peristaltic movements of the intestines needed to expel wastes from the intestines thus reducing risks of coprostasis.

4. Better Complexion

Excess protein in our daily diet is broken down by harmful bacteria to form ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic by- products. These harmful substances can lead to the outbreak of pimples and acne. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber’s cleansing function works from the insides to the surface of the skin. This brings out the truth in the saying: "Beauty comes from within."

5. Normalize Cholesterol Level

The good bacteria in SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber help convert cholesterol in food to coprostanol, a form which cannot be readily absorbed by the body and then excreted. It helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level by recycling excess cholesterol to hormones.

Effectiveness of Shake Off Phyto Fiber 

  • Fast and effective way to eliminate congested matter, thus preventing coprostasis and colon cancer.
  • Consist of beneficial bacteria: Bifidus, Fecalis and Laclis.
  • Each 20g sachet of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber contains 1 billion (1,000,000,000) Bifidus bacteria
  • Addition of dietary fiber, oat extract and vitamin C.
  • Contains completely natural and nourishing ingredients
  • An effective slimming aid


With our tendency to overeat especially during festive seasons, our health is often compromised. Undigested food turns waste matter which, if not expelled, could lead to health problems.

When we continually consume unhealthy foods, waste matter accumulates and adheres to the intestinal walls and is not easily eliminated. It will interfere with the absorption of nutrients by our body.

Our intestines harbor trillions of beneficial as well as harmful baceteria. The state of our intestinal health depends on which bacteria are predominant.

In the Cellular Rejunevation Therapy Concept, the importance of balanced nutrient intake and detoxification cannot be over emphasized. While most people are aware of the importance of nutrition, new bother to detoxify i.e. to cleanse intestines and colon. This could be due to the prevalence of ignorance about these organs and their functions in the body.

Everyone has residual feces left in the intestines even with regular bowel movements. After taking SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber, you will be surprised to see how much waste have accumulated and how difficult it is to eliminate the thin, long and sticky feces adhering to the colon.

There are several health supplements in the market claiming to have beneficial effects on your colon but they also cause negative side effects. Hence, there is a need to make enlightened choice.

Shake Off Phyto Fiber is also efective against acute diarrhea, intestinal infections, hemorrhoids (piles), gastric problems, hypertension, and inflammation of the intestines.

You could never go wrong with SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber. That's why it is the choice of health conscious people.

SHAKE OFF PHYTO FIBER is a superior colon-cleansing health drink made from the best natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all toxins from our colons, leaving it clear and healthy. It is absolutely safe.
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Edmark Meal Replacement Therapy (MRT) Complex - Natural Nutritional Health Drink

What is Edmark MRT Complex?

Edmart MRT Complex or Meal Replacement Therapy is a program to replace your normal meal with a delicious, low calorie and highly soluble nutritional drink. It has the complete vitamins, proteins, and energy-releasing amino acids that can help reduce weight safely, fast and effectively, while avoiding the hunger pangs often associated with dieting.

This is a program that is designed for people who wish to embark on a safe and long-term weight loss and maintenance program.

HOW Does Edmark MRT Complex Work?

As a result of the controlled level of carbohydrates taken over a few days, the body will experience a shortage of glucose, the most desirable fuel in the body. Our body will begin to turn to glycogen store for energy. Once these stores deplete, it will start to seek alternative fuel.

Edmark MRT Complex contains moderate carbohydrates and protein; it helps protect lean muscle from being metabolized into energy. Our body will then turn to fat store for emergency supplies and convert these fats to free fatty acids (which are smaller fat molecules). Our liver will then convert them to ketones. This is effectively known as the mild ketosis stage.

Ketones are a normal and efficient source of fuel and energy for the human body. Ketosis tends to accelerate fat loss -- once the liver converts fat to ketones, it cannot be converted back to fat, and so it is excreted.

The Special Formulation of Edmark MRT Complex

Edmark MRT Complex is a delicious beverage in powder form. Each serving has 83 kilo calories. It contains the following:

Edmark MRT Complex has an Organic formulation. It has natural ingredients and is therefore suitable for vegetarians. It is also an excellent source of carbohydrates and protein.

NutritionUnitServing Size 20gm/sachet
Dietary Fiberg3.5
Saturated Fatg0

Edmark MRT Complex is low calorie. It does not contain any cholestorol and is low in fat. Each sachet of MRT Complex contains only 83 kcal.

Edmark MRT Complex has a Balanced Nutrition. Each sachet of Edmark MRT Complex contains untrients needed by our body everyday. Hence it promotes normal metabolism to build a healthy body and regulates our physiological functions. It contains essential Vitamins and Minerals, including Vitamin C, E and Vitamin B Complex and energy releasing amino acids. This ensures adequate nutrients that prevent rapid changes in the heart rate or blood pressure causing insomnia and nervousness.

Edmark MRT Complex contains Isolated Soya Protein that is easily digested and absorbed by our body, and helps to lose excessive fat but not muscle.

Edmark MRT Complex contains Fructose, a natural sweetener that is extracted from fruits and honey that is safe both for people with diabetes mellitus or hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar).

Edmark MRT Complex contains Fat elimination factors such as Lechitin, L-carnitine and Inositol that help to enhance fat metabolism.

 Ednmark MRT Complex contains Edible fiber. Fiber is used to enhance the elimination of waste substances in our body. It gives bulk satisfaction and reduces the hunger pangs. It can prevent constipation, painful piles, colon cancer, and kidney stone. It also lowers cholesterol level.

Ednmark MRT Complex contains Hoodia Gordonii, a cactus plant which sends signals to the hypothalamus of the brain that the stomach is full. Even small amounts of food can make the body feel completely nourished and energized.

Hoodia Gordonii

For centuries, this luscious species of cactus has been a native staple of the San Tribesmen in the deserts of Kalahari, South Africa. In a land where food is scarce, the primitive bushmen ate this plant to fight hunger. The bushmen were able to withstand a whole day of hunting and searching for food without eating and without feeling hungry.

A study of indigenous foods by South Africa's national laboratory revealed of the plant's ability to suppress appetite in animals.

Hoodia Gordonii works by tricking the brain into thinking that the stomach is full even if it is not. When a person eats, the body produces glucose which sends a signal to the brain's hypothalamus indicating the body has been nourished which causes the feeling of hunger to subside. Hoodia Gordonii acts on the body in the same manner, only the signals are 100,000 times more potent than glucose; thus completely eliminating the sensation of hunger for entended periods. Even small amounts of food will make the body feel completely nourished and energized.

Because of this miracle plant, which is present in Edmark MRT Complex, diets which limit the amount of food or the types of food that one can eat will be unnecessary.

Nutritional Values and Benefits

Here are the nutritional values and benefits found in each serving of Edmark MRT Complex:

Soya Protein - Protects against heart disease and blood pressure by lowering "bad" cholesterol levels. Moderates hormone levels and reduces menopausal symptoms. Helps combat osteoporosis. Promotes normal prostate functions for men. Reduces incidences of colon, breast and prostate cancer. Helps kidney functions in diabetics.

Vitamin C - Enhances the absorption of iron. It is needed for buoyant health, vitality and endurance. It ensures a clear skin, a fresh complexion and healthy gums and teeth. This vitamin is also necessary for maintenance of bones and proper functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands. It promotes a healing and protects against all forms of stress - physical and mental. It also provides protection against the harmful effects of toxic chemicals in the environment, food, and water, and counteracts the toxic effects of drugs.

Vitamin E - Acts to protect your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of energy metabolism. Free radicals can damage cells and may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Vitamin E has also been shown to play a role in immune function, in DNA repair, and other metabolic processes.

Vitamin B Complex - B complex is a blend of key B vitamins combined with other nutritional factors for enhanced synergism. It is necessary for conversion of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - Helps in the metabolism of protein and fats. Every cell of the body, including brain cells, uses vitamin B1 as a fuel.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - Necessary for normal growth, development, and repair of body tissues, maintenance of red blood cells and healthy hair, nails and skin.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Helps maintain a healthy nervous system, promotes healthy hair, skin and digestive system, and helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Vitamin B5 (Panothenic Acid) - Helps in cholesterol metabolism and production of hormones. Known as the "anti-stress" vitamin, vitamin B5 helps prevent aging and wrinkles, helps promote healthy skin and nerves, and supports the proper functioning of adrenal glands.

Vitamin B6 - Necessary for normal growth and to maintain a healthy nervous system. Additionally, vitamin B6 makes hemoglobin and increases the amount of oxygen carried by the hemoglobin in the blood.

Vitamin B12 - Necessary for development of red blood cells, and is necessary to maintain a healthy central nervous system. Vitamin B12 also aids in calcium absorption.

Edible Dietary Fiber
- Regulates the bowel, controls glucose levels to prevent colon cancer and lowers blood cholestorol levels to prevent coronary heart disease.

Lecithin - Decreases the LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase the HDL (good) cholestorol. Lecithin helps prevent fatty infiltration of the liver, aids in the absorption and transportation of the fat-soluble Vitamin A, D, E, and K. It helps prevent gallstones and in some cases, it can aid short-term memory.

- Promotes weight loss and gives energy. It is an amino acid for burning fats and from which certain proteins are made. It is synthesized in the liver and kidneys. The body requires L-carnitine for the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the cells.

Inositol - This is necessary for the formation of lecithin within the body. Helps in the breakdown of fats and reduce blood cholesterol.

Advantages of the Edmark MRT Complex Program

The fundamental principle of the Edmark MRT Complex program is based on sound nutrition and healthy eating. In addition to taking the Edmark MRT Complex, you would also consume other sources of low-fat meal and/or snacks, depending on your weight management objective. This provides tremendous flexibility in weight management as most people lack tolerance in monotony.

Safe and Effective

 As Edmark MRT Complex is designed for gradual weight loss via a mild state of ketosis, it helps to protect against the loss of lean muscle while the adequate provision of carbohydrate prevents the metabolic rate from being lowered. It has been proven to be safe, reliable and does not cause any side effects for long-term consumption. The estimated weight loss is 1-2 kg per week.


Edmark MRT Complex allows flexibility that can be incorporated into your daily routine and lifestyle as it allows the choice of maintaining either a normal business lunch or a family dinner. This flexibility assists you and will motivate you to continue the program for longer periods.


Edmark MRT Complex is available in drink sachets for easy and tasty preparation anywhere, anytime.

No Medical Supervision Required

Other dieting and exercise programs should only be taken after consulting a physician. In contrast, the Edmark MRT Complex program is engineered to be taken without medical monitoring and supervision.

Lifetime Weight Management Program. Unlike other weight-loss programs, Edmark MRT Complex is nutritionally balanced and can be consumed in the long-term. It can be used as a lifetime weight management program as the weight loss comes from the loss of body fat, unlike the "Yo-Yo Phenomenon."

As each individual's needs may differ, you can even choose to have your normal meals, as it is a program that allows changes and modification. This enables you to enjoy your lifestyle while maintaining a healthy weight.

BMI≥ 23
18.5 – 22.9
(Ideal Weight)
< 18.5 (Underweight)
Weight Measurement ObjectiveWeight LossWeight MaintenanceNutritional Supplement
Breakfast1 Sachet Edmark MRT Complex
1 Sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
Normal mealNormal meal
AM Snack1 Sachet Edmark MRT Complex1 Sachet Edmark MRT Complex
1 Sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
1 Sachet Edmark MRT Complex
1 sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
Lunch1 sachet Edmark MRT ComplexLow Fat MealNormal Meal
PM Snack1 sachet Edmark MRT Complex
1 sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
1 sachet Edmark MRT complex
1 sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
1 sachet Edmark MRT Complex
1 sachet Edmark Ginseng Coffee
DinnerLow Fat MealLow Fat MealNormal Meal

Note: Drink at least two to three litres of Splina Liquid Chlorophyll throughout the day during the Edmark MRT Complex Slimming program

Selection of Edmark MRT Complex Program

Weight Loss

Take 4 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex to replace 2 meals and 2 snacks per day - one for breakfast, one for lunch and one each for morning and afternoon snack. You can also create your own low-fat meal by selecting your choice of meal/snacks from each category in the Food Calorie Index Table. Calculate your calorie intake to make up a moderately low calorie diet.

Ideal recommended consumption (including 4 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex).

1,200 calories for women
1,400 - 1,500 calories for men

Slimming tips

  1. During slimming program, it is advisable to take 4 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex per day, please do not reduce the amount to prevent the slimming effect being affected by the insufficient of nutrient and fat elimination factors.

  2. Drink at least 2000 - 3000ml of water daily to cleanse your body, preferably Splina Liquid Chlorophyll.

  3. If you feel hungry due to heavy activities level, you are advise to take 1 more Edmark MRT Complex. Eat only Low calorie food, such as oil free vegetable soup, boiled vegetable, guava, tomatoes, cucumber, 1 piece of white bread or 2 pieces of low-calorie biscuits.

  4. Take 2 servings of fruits, e.g 2 oranges or 2 kiwi fruits or 1 big apple; avoid high calorie fruits like durian, pear, banana etc.

  5. Avoid high calorie food like fried chicken, hamburger, carbonated drink, tit-bits, cakes during slimming so it would not affect the result. Steam, cook, boil or roast your dishes, reduce the consumption of starch, fat and sugar.

  6. Exercise regularly (around 30 minutes daily) as exercise can speed up the burning process and tone up the muscle.

  7. Before you start the slimming program, measure and record your weight, upper arm, chest, waist, hip and thigh. Repeat the measurement weekly at the same time (measure with empty stomach after going to toilet in the morning.)

  8. Listen to the experience of successful slimmers.

  9. To keep your ideal weight and to guarantee a slender and healthy body, you should change your eating habits patiently and perseveringly.

Weight Maintenance (Ideal Weight)

Replace 1-2 snacks with 1-2 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex daily to maintain your ideal weight. This can ensure that you are getting high quality nutrition. This way, you can stay healthy while keeping your ideal weight.

Nutritional Supplement (Underweight)

Being underweight can be linked with lower resistance to infection, chronic fatigue, anemia, and other illnesses. People in this category should supplement their nutrient intake with Edmark MRT Complex as it contains many nutritional ingredients.

Take 1-2 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex in the morning and afternoon as a snack.

Edmark MRT Complex is recommended for everyone! The reason is clear - Edmark MRT Complex is not just about losing weight but it is also about consuming a complete and balanced nutritional meal that is lacking in today's modern eating habits and lifestyle.

Remember - permanent changes and maintenance in your weight requires changes and discipline in your life!

Behavior Change

To lose weight and to keep it off, you must make changes in your lifestyle.

Changing your lifestyle is more than choosing different foods and putting more activity into your day. It also involves changing your approach to eating and activity, which means how you think, feel and act.

Research has demonstrated that a number of tools and tips are effective in helping you change. Follow these tips for change:

Motivate yourself. No one can make you lose weight. In fact, increased external pressure - often from people close to you - may only make matters worse. Likewise, trying to lose weight to satisfy someone else rarely works either. Make diet and exercise changes to please yourself.

Make lifestyle changes a priority. As you are planning to launch new weight-related lifestyle changes, make sure you have resolved other pressing problems in your life. It takes a lot of energy to change habits, and you want to be sure you are focused on the matter at hand.

Have a Plan. Work out a strategy that will gradually change the habits and attitudes that may have undermined your past efforts to lose weight. choose a definite start date. Consider how often and how long you will exercise. Determine a realistic eating plan that includes plenty of water, fruits and vegetables. Write everything down: When and where will you do the steps in your plan? How will your plan fit into your schedule? What are the potential roadblocks, and how will you deal with them?

Surround yourself with good examples. As you set your goals, it helps to surround yourself with good examples. Magazines on Healthy Living and Healthy Cooking include plenty of real-life stories, healthy and easy recipes, exercise tips and interesting facts about fitness.

Avoid food triggers. Distract yourself from your desire to eat with something positive, such as calling a friend. practice saying "No" to unhealthy foods and big portions. Eat when you're actually hungry - not when the clock says it is time to eat. When you eat, focus on eating. Serve your meals on smaller plates to make less food seem like more. In general, store food out of sight and don't keep junk foods around.

Keep a record. You should weight yourself as you work to lose weight. Keep a food and activity diary periodically, so you can reinforce good habits and discover any behaviors that you may need to improve. Remember that success is not defined only by actual weight lost. In fact, be sure to track other important health parameters such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels and overall fitness.

Focus on the positive. Rather than focusing on what you cannot eat, focus on what you can eat. Look at new tastes and activities you can discover that will enhance your health.

Don't give up. So much in our culture conspires to make and keep your weight. You will have setbacks. Do not expect perfection immediately. But do not give up. Use relapses to get back on track. Motivate yourself with healthy rewards when you reach goals.

Dealing with obesity may mean taking a hard look at how you live and making some tough changes. If you're overweight or obese, you have to cultivate a positive attitude before you can shed those unwanted pounds. With knowledge, the right attitude, a good plan, and Edmark MRT Complex you can - and will - lose weight safely, fast and effectively.

Note: Edmark MRT Complex should not be used as the sole source of nutrition. It is extremely important that you eat at least one meal daily and include exercise for an effective weight management.

Mixing Instructions

Take 3-4 sachets of Edmark MRT Complex daily to replace your meals. Mix with cold water and stir it well. Drink it immediately. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day while taking Edmark MRT Complex.

  1. Pure contents of sachet into empty glass.
  2. Fill with 350ml of cold water.
  3. Stir well before drinking.

Drink plenty of Splina Liquid Chlorophyll throughout the day.


For a fast, safe and highly effective weight loss and management program - Edmark MRT Complex is a godsend. Not only does it help you lose weight, it helps you keep it off permanently!

After you have achieved your ideal body composition, Edmark MRT Complex can become a lifelong part of your diet for maintaining an excellent shape and great overall health.

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Bio-Elixir - The Natural Effective Anti-Aging Remedy

Look Young, Feel Young and BE YOUNG



AGING is affected by the body's capacity to produce the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH, being the master hormone of the body, regulates most of the body's activities such as cell growth, metabolism, and reproductive processes. As we age, hormone production decreases leading to lack of vitality, wrinkled skin, poor memory, and weakened immunity.

Clinical evidence demonstrates that by increasing the body's HGH, aging can be reversed. The safest way to increase HGH levels is through HGH secretagogues, substances that stimulate the pituitary gland to release more HGH. For this reason, we recommend Bio-Elixir.



Bio-Elixir is an ALL-NATURAL HGH RELEASER that helps you to look young, feel young and BE YOUNG. Bio-ELIXIR’s unique formula from the USA, produced after years of research and development is both safe and effective with no side effects.


Made From 100% Natural Ingredients

Bio-ELIXIR is made from 100% natural ingredients. Made from excellent quality soy protein extracts, whey protein, and specific free-form amino acids such as L-arginine and L-ornithine.

Safe to Consume, Zero Side Effects

Bio-ELIXIR is not hormone, steroid or a drug. It contains no pituitary extract or mammalian brains. The formula has been tested and proven by a duly accredited laboratory recognized for its verifiable reports. Their findings proved that Bio-ELIXIR is safe to consume and has no side effects.

Targets Health Problem Areas

Bio ELIXIR has a proprietary, cutting-edge delivery system addresses gastric absorption and transport through the bloodstream.

Rich in Nutrients and Minerals

A 10g sachet of Bio-ELIXIR is rich in Arginine, Ornithine, Glutamine, Glutamic acid, Leucine, Lysine and vitamin B5. And contains a wide spectrum of essential nutrients.

Active Ingredients

Stimulates the natural release of HGH in the body. Reduces body fat and risk of heart diseases. Quickens healing time of injuries. Helps lower blood pressure. Alleviates male infertility and enhances sexual performance.

Enhances brain function, and aids in increasing memory retention. Improves kidney performance. Speeds up immune cell division for greater immunity.

Slows down degradation of muscle tissue by increasing the synthesis of muscle proteins. Enhances liver functions.

Treats stress and fatigue to make way for better sleep. Helps the body to convert food into usable energy. Thus enhancing fat metabolism and assists in weight loss. Improves the skin and nervous system.

Benefits of Bio-ELIXIR

  • Increase in muscle mass.
  • Lose fat without dieting.
  • Higher energy level.
  • Mood elevation.
  • Enhanced sexual performance.
  • Re-growth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age.
  • Greater cardiac output.
  • Better kidney function.
  • Superior immune function.
  • Lowered blood pressure.
  • Improved cholesterol profile (higher HDL/lower LDL).
  • Stronger bones.
  • Faster wound healing.
  • Hair re-growth.
  • Wrinkle removal, younger skin.
  • Elimination of cellulite.
  • Sharper vision.
  • Increased memory retention.
  • Improved sleep.
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Edmark Cafe Ginseng Coffee - For Rejuvenation And Energy Boosting

Edmark Cafe Ginseng Coffee - From Edmark's Coffee King Series


The Goodness of Ginseng

Ginseng Coffee made from the natural blend of the finest Arabica coffee beans from Brazil and Columbia and Korean Ginseng extract. Ginseng coffee is a health drink that will truly satisfy your discriminating taste.

The active ingredient of Ginseng called Ginsenoside has the healing powers that aid in sharpening the mind and memory as well as in lowering the blood pressure.

Active Ingredients

KOREAN GINSENG in Ginseng Coffee

  • Sharpens the mind and memory which also helps to increase concentration.
  •  Improves vision and hearing by accelerating visual and auditory responses.
  • Strengthens the immune system by enhancing the natural resistance and recuperative power of the body.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves stamina, lowers heart rate during exercise to increase aerobic activity in the body.  
  • Helps prevent impotence by improving libido and sexual vigor.
  • Prevents cancer by boosting anti-oxidants.
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Red Yeast Coffee - Lower Your Cholesterol The Natural Way

Red Yeast Coffee - From Edmark's Coffee King Series




The Red Battle Against Heart Disease


Heart Disease is the number one killer of men and women all over the world. High blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. In fact, the higher your blood cholesterol level, the greater your risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack.

2 Ways to Lower Blood Cholesterol

1. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes 

(TLC) like having a cholesterol-lowering diet, increased physical activity and weight management.

2. Drug Treatment



TLC may be too inconvenient for people who are always on the go.

Drug Treatment may pose the following side effects:
  • Dizziness
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Muscle Pain
  • Heartburn
  • Liver Damage

Lower your Cholesterol the Natural Way

Red Yeast Coffee

Red Yeast Coffee is made from the organic blend of
imported premium coffee beans and red yeast rice.

Clinical studies have shown that red yeast rice provides therapeutic benefits for optimal cholesterol health.

  • It contains a variety of ingredients such as fiber, rice starch, sterols and fatty acids, which help reduce total cholesterol levels, lower levels of bad cholesterol, increase levels of good cholesterol, and lower levels of unhealthy fats called triglycerides.

  • It contains HMG-CoA reductase that inhibits the liver's production of cholesterol. By lowering cholesterol concentrations, red yeast rice can help prevent heart disease and some of its complications.

  • Mevinolin, an active ingredient in red yeast rice, has also bee proven to offer antioxidant properties.

Benefits of Red Yeast Coffee

  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels, raises levels of good cholesterol and reduces triglycerides.
  • Helps prevent heart disease and some of its complications.
  • Enhances circulation and digestion, soothes abdominal pain and invigorates the spleen
  • Offers antioxidants and anti-aging properties.
  • Healthy Coffee has never tasted this better.

Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated. This coffee’s intensity has a crisp finish that lingers in your taste buds. You can’t help but just get another cup of Red Yeast Coffee.
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Edmark Bubble C - Loaded With Vitamin C And Calcium


What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant vitamin. It is important in forming collagen, a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, blood vessels and skin. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron, and helps maintain capillaries, bones and teeth.

Why do we need Vitamin C?

  • To boost the immune system.
  • To help form bones, teeth, muscle and skin.
  • To stimulate natural collagen production in the body.
  • To maintain healthy blood vessels and gums.
  • To resist infection and heal wounds.
  • To help enhance iron and other nutrient absorption

Who needs Vitamin C?

Everybody needs Vitamin C! From young growing active kids, to people who are over 50 years old. Those recovering from an illness and people who want to ward off colds and flue can take more Vitamin C for speedy results.

The recommended amount of Vitamin C for most people is 60 mg per day. Since our bodies do not make its own Vitamin C, we need at least one serving of fruit daily.

Great Sources of Vitamin C

If you like fruits and vegetables, it can be pretty easy to get the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C. The following are great sources of Vitamin C:

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Mango
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya

However if you're not a fruit and vegetable eater, it will be much harder to get your Vitamin C. So to ensure that you get enough Vitamin C everyday, We recommend that you take a Vitamin C supplement such as Edmark's Bubble C!

Bubble C

A refreshing instant orange beverage loaded with natural Vitamin C and Calcium that gives you refreshing energy in every bubbly burst. Get your daily dose of Vitamin C and Calcium with Bubble C! Every glass is equivalent to the Vitamin C content in three fresh oranges! 

Characteristics of Edmark's Bubble C

Loaded with Vitamin C

Helps increase the body's natural collagen production which enhances skin complexion and protects hair from damage. Aids in better iron and nutrient absorption by the body. Regenerates anti-oxidants like Vitamin E thus preventing cancer and heart disease.

Fortified with Calcium

Energizes the body by boosting metabolism to aid in slimming. Helps in forming bones, teeth, and muscles, and in repairing blood vessels and connective tissues.

Made of Real Oranges

Bubble C is made of natural spray-dried orange juice concentrate so it can boost the immune system to fight colds and infection.

Enhanced Natural Coloring

The orange color of Bubble C is enhanced with natural coloring from Carotene, the pigment that gives carrots its bright orange color!

Safe-for-all Sweetener

Sweetened by natural fructose. Safe for those with diabetes because it does not raise blood sugar levels.

REFRESH your body with every cool glass of Bubble C!

ENERGIZE your health with real Vitamin C and Calcium goodness!

BURST into bubbly fun and forward into the exciting day ahead!

Benefits of Bubble C

  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Fights colds and infection.
  • Helps form bones, teeth, and muscles.
  • Helps repair blood vessels and connective tissues.
  • Energizes the body by boosting metabolism.
  • Stimulates brain functions.
  • Aids in iron and protein absorption.
  • Fuels the body's collagen production.
  • Protects skin and hair from damage.
  • Makes healing of wounds faster.
  • Prevents scurvy.
  • Prevents cancer and heart disease.
  • Regenerates anti-oxidants like Vitamin E.
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Edmark CoCollagen - Nourish Your Skin With Collagen, Reverse Aging

The Truth about our Skin and Collagen


Our skin is like a mirror. It reflects our state of health from inside out. As it protects and covers our body, it is therefore essential to take care of it at all times.

The protein Collagen makes up to 70% of our skin. It provides elasticity and shape, giving skin its firmness as well as the ability to retain moisture. As we age, collagen production tends to diminish. Exposure to UV rays, chlorinated water and harmful free radicals also causes collagen reduction. When collagen is reduced it leads to skin dehydration and wrinkles.

What Causes Collagen Reduction?


    Biological Factors

    • Natural aging process
    • Hormonal changes
    • Poor Metabolism
    • Chickenpox and acne

    Environmental Factors

    • Overexposure to UV Rays
    • Chlorinated Water
    • Free radicals

    Personal Lifestyle

    • Cigarette smoking
    • Stress

    All of these lead to Aged Skin.

    How to Replace Lost Collagen

    Like most proteins, collagen can be derived from a variety of food sources. Soy products like milk and cheese, dark green vegetables like spinach and asparagus, peanuts like cashew, pecans and almonds contain healthy amounts of collagen. Fish like tuna and salmon are excellent sources of omega fatty acids that stimulate collagen production.

    Red fruits like red peppers, tomatoes and berries, help boost antioxidants to enchance collagen's function.
     However, having a protein-rich diet is not enough. Beyound the aesthetic appeal, our skin deserves more because it shields our body from harm. Thus, it is a must to keep it nourished with collagen regularly.

    From the makers of the Healthy Living powerhouse, comes an innovative anti-aging beverage!


    Edmark's CoCollagen!

    CoCollagen is a chocolate flavored beverage enriched with high grade quality marine collagen that nourishes
    your skin to make it firm and lift the signs of aging, thus reviving its naturally healthy and youthful glow.

    Active Ingredients


     Marine Collagen

    Made of all-natural enzymatically hydrolyzed fish collagen. This is derived from marine sources like salmon.

    Amino Acids

    Glycine, L-Proline, and L-Hydroxyproline. Provides other essential amino acids like Arginine, Lysine, Leucine, and Isoleucine.


    This macronutrient provides a quick source of energy boost for the body, which makes it the perfect drink both for adults and active growing kids.


    A natural diuretic, which gives a refreshing feeling as it is easily broken down and absorbed by the body.

    Cocoa and Chocolate

    Its chocolate flavor is not only aromatic and soothing, it is also an irresistibly delicious source of anti-oxidants!

    Characteristics of Edmark's CoCollagen

    All Natural Marine Source

    Made of all-natural enzymatically hydrolyzed fish collagen. This is derived from marine sources like salmon.

    Rich in Amino Acids

    Consists of water-soluable peptides which are rich sources of amino acids Glycine, L-Proline, and L-Hydroxyproline. Provides other essential amino acids like Arginine, Lysine, Leucine, and Isoleucine.

    Energy Booster

    Contains the macronutrient SUCROSE, a quick source of energy for the body; which makes it a perfect drink both for adults and active growing kids.

    Refreshing, Easily Digested

    Contains MALT, a natural diuretic, which gives a refreshing feeling as it is easily broken down and absorbed by the body.

    Smells Good, Tastes Even Better

    Its chocolate flavor is not only aromatic and soothing, it is also an irresistibly delicious.

    Benefits of CoCollagen

    • Plumps up the skin and lips.
    • Reduces depth of fine lines and wrinkles.
    • Smoothens "crow's feet" lines and reduces furrows.
    • Reduces dark circles around eyes.
    • Promotes skin elasticity.
    • Firms and tightens sagging skin.
    • Reduces visibility of stretch marks.
    • Revitalizes appearance.
    • Helps achieve a glowing radiant complexion.
    • Rejuvenates mature skin.
    • Tones and moisturizes the skin.

    Defy skin aging with every sip of EDMARK's CoCollagen.

    NOURISH the skin with a rich supply of collagen.

    LIFT the signs of aging by boosting collagen formation in the skin's epidermis.

    REVIVE the skin by showing its naturally healthy and youthful glow.



    • Are you often out in the sun?

    • Is your skin dull-looking and rough?

    • Does it show fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and lips?

    • Are these visible eye bags and dark circles?

    • Do you have freckles and other signs of pigmentation?

    • Are you often stressed and lacking in sleep?

    • Do you look older than your age?
    If you answered yes to 5 out of the 7 questions above, then it is recommended that you take EDMARK's CoCollagen.

    For maximum result we recommend taking Edmark's CoCollagen with a Vitamin C supplement such as Edmark's Bubble C.
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    Health Cooking With Edmark CERAMIX Energyware

    What is Healthy Cooking?

    The advent of electronic and information age both spelled drastic changes to the lifestyles of families all over the world. Daily hectic activities pre-occupy most of us while everything else is done in a fast-paced manner to the point that even the food we eat is neglected in favor of instant, highly processed, acidic, and not to mention calorie-loaded meals. The results are unhealthy eating habits that lead only to the deterioration of our health.

    Although there have been ways to battle this saddening trend in unhealthy eating, like with the invention of microwave ovens to speed up the cooking process, people are still confined to using the mighty microwave for defrosting, melting and reheating food, which does not give justice to this wonderful invention.

    The good news is, microwave is not only for defrosting, melting and reheating food, but it is also meant for cooking real dishes in a more efficient way. And the best news is we have the perfect cooking partner for the microwave, the CERAMIX.

    CERAMIX is the latest technological breakthrough in cookware and tableware, which combines the properties of both real ceramics and plastic that is ideal for healthy microwave cooking. Having the ceramic property of insulation allows CERAMIX to retain heat in drinks and in food longer without diffusing the heat to the container, which makes it safe to touch even immediately after heating. While it’s plastic property gives the CERAMIX Energyware its unbreakable characteristic.

    The bonding of the two materials gives it new molecular strength that can withstand impacts from dropping, and therefore lasting longer than any other tableware line of products.

    Cooking with CERAMIX

    How does using Ceramix Energyware Benefit the Body?

    The various activities of the human body depend on the supply of nutrients. Nutrients ingested into our bodies provide us energy and help sustain our lives.

    The natural high-quality limestone in the CERAMIX Energyware emits Far Infrared Rays (FIR). All food and drinks cooked and heated in the Ceramix will absorb this FIR energy, thus energizing the food or drink for your body’s easy absorption of nutrients. It also assists the body to eliminate toxins.

    If we wish to have a healthy life, we must maintain a good and strong metabolic rate. FIR enable to improve blood circulation and continuously uplift the metabolic rate of the body. As the transport of the nutrients in the body depends on blood circulation, the removal of metabolic waste matters from the various activities in the body is also dependent on the circulatory system.

    When the circulatory system is improved under the influence of FIR, it will naturally improve our metabolism. As such, the second benefit that FIR provides for the human body is the elevation of metabolism thus improving energy and vitality.

    Energyware is capable of emitting large amounts of FIR. Under specific conditions and influence of the temperature of the human body, and due to unique molecular structure, it continuously emits FIR of a specific range of wavelength. This is exactly the type of FIR with the right wave length range required by the human body. It is this type of FIR that activates the various biological functions of the human body.

    More Benefits of using Ceramix Energyware?

    • Improve perspiration system
    • Prevention of bacteria growth
    • Softening of hard water
    • Relieving of pain
    • Purification of water
    • Eliminates bad odor
    • Improve strength and health
    • Speed up repair of body cells
    • Balance of the acid level in our body
    • Normalization of blood cholesterol
    • Prevent mold
    • Maintain warmth and better sleep
    • Enhance and maintain freshness

    Advantages of Cooking with Ceramix Energyware

    1. Is Fast! Generally, it takes one-fourth the time to cook in the microwave than it takes in your conventional oven.

    2. It's Economical! You only cook the amount of food you need. Your microwave uses less electrical wattage than with your conventional oven, and you're cooking for a shorter amount of time.

    3. It's Convenient! You can serve the food in the same CERAMIX where it was cooked; therefore there are fewer dishes to be washed.

    4. It's Clean and Hygienic! Because CERAMIX products are dishwasher safe, cleanliness is guaranteed.

    5. It's Tastier! Natural flavors are retained in the food you cook in your microwave.

    6. It's Nutritional! Reduced cooking time means more vitamins and minerals are retained in the food you prepare in your microwave.

    Now you can take pleasure in a country style of living amidst the hectic lifestyle, while being able to cook nutritious and sumptuous food for your family in less expense, time and effort, while above all, ensuring that the quality of your health is preserved.

    Go to Edmark Products E-Store Now to Order Some Cooking Energyware
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    Edmark Products Certifications


    هناك 61 تعليقًا:

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