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السبت، 5 يوليو 2014



Succeed In Health Wealth And Total Well-Being

Isn't it true that all you want in life is to have good health and wealth and lead, touch lives, make a difference and become an inspiration?

That is all I want too! And I found a company Edmark International, that is making all these a reality for people worldwide even the very ordinary person; and all in a short time. So I have partnered with Edmark and that complete lifestyle change is in sight for me now.

I am inviting you  too to take this opportunity and give yourself the chance at achieving all you want in life. And you'll be amazed at how quick it all happens.
Read more about Edmark Business Opportunity or watch the presentation below.



Among Edmark product ranges are the healthy living and healthy cooking products. Edmark healthy living products are specifically designed for slimming, weight management and overall wellness. Our physical appearance is a reflection of our state of health. Being overweight is an indication of a highly toxic body due to poor digestion and blood circulation and an inefficient defecation cycle. It is also a manifestation of an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by a high cholesterol diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

When one is showing signs of aging, it is a warning that the body is starting to deteriorate and is becoming a sure candidate to chronic diseases, cardiovascular and heart problems. Hence, managing our health is essential to sustain ourselves, not just to look good but also for us to function at our peak while doing our daily activities.

However, there is more to healthy living than just eating well, exercising and seeking cure when the need arises. Edmark's Healthy Living Products presents four basic steps called the
Power 4 Slimming and Beauty Program that will jump start your journey to health and over-all fitness.

Edmark products are all 100% natural. Certified by various manufacturing standard operating bodies including Nigeria's National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). And are very affordable. See
Edmark products testimonials


Edmark Marketing Plan ensures that active distributors of its products achieve financial freedom in a matter of few years. Some have done it in less than 2 years. And this is no hype.

Edmark Double Bonus Marketing Plan consists of both the Point Sharing System and the Block System. Thus, giving maximum benefits and returns.

There are 9 great bonuses in the marketing plan:
  1. Retail Profit 15-25%
  2. Performance Bonus (Accumulative) 20%
  3. Manager Bonus 14%
  4. Achievement Bonus 3%
  5. Leadership Bonus 25% (Income potential from the 2nd level downwards is unlimited)
  6. Traveling Fund 2%7. 
  7. Year-End Bonus 2%
  8. Car Fund 3%
  9. House Fund 2%

All in all, the total pay out is 71% of the company's profit. This is one of the highest pay-outs in the industry today. In addition, there is a special free products redemption voucher. The qualifiers get free company products equivalent to the value of 10% of the sales volume.

This is the path to financial freedom. Where your yearly income can become your monthly income.
Read details of the Edmark Double Bonus Marketing Plan.

 Total Well-Being
Edmark has a free comprehensive Education System, a series of Seminars and Trainings specialize in Personal Development, Sales and Marketing, Team-Building, Leadership, Communications, Relationship Building, Relationship Marketing and Health. This way you're equipped with not just the knowledge and skill you need to achieve success with Edmark but also to succeed in life.
Partner with Edmark Today
for a total lifestyle change; health, finance and otherwise.

Join the Underdog Team

The Edmark opportunity is a team business. To partner with Edmark you need an existing distributor to sponsor you. That's where I come in. In Edmark just like in every other business your team can make or break you. It's not enough for a team leader to offer support, in other to help the whole team to success, the team leader must understand the business and have the necessary experience. And I do. You can read about me.

No, I won't tell you to work-hard because I know you you already know that. But more importantly I won't teach you to work-hard because you don't  have to. I'll teach you to work smart. Save time, reduce stress and limit expenses YET achieve better result.

And guess what?! You don't even have to see me if you don't have the time. Who does these days?

I have prepared a report for you, something I prefer to call a 6 Months Blueprint to Edmark Business Success. It's short and straightforward. And you receive it immediately you
join Edmark through the Underdog team
. The Blueprint you'll receive allows you to get a quick start to success. And I'll be available to you anytime you need me.

Why the name Underdog?

I love being the underdog. Because no one believes. Until you make them doubt.
They tease you. Until they cant believe their eyes. They say you can't win. And then you do.
Favorites don't shock the world. Or inspire. That story is told by underdogs. Who mock odds and defy critics.

People don't relate to the favorite. To the person who has been given the golden platter on a platter.
Underdogs fight the fight that we all fight. Be the Underdog

Maybe you're struggling to find a job.
Maybe you're underemployed wondering when your bright future became so dim.
Maybe you're currently employed but with a meager salary.
Maybe you're even well paid but you just can't wait for when you don't have to wake up so early to rush off to work and come back so late and worn out. You can't wait for your dream to come true; become your own boss, be in total control of your income and answer to no one.
 Maybe you've been struggling with a network marketing company for a long time yet no success.

You can't make a comeback if you've never lost. All the successes today who fought the fight transformed their reality and those around them because they refused to NOT BELIEVE.
Favorites might become famous. But favorites don't become legends. Underdogs write the million dollar script. I love being the underdog. If you do too, then
let's work together to succeed in health, wealth and total well-being

Become a Consumer of Edmark Products

Think you'll pass on the business opportunity but would like to use Edmark products?

I understand. The business opportunity isn't for everyone.

Or perhaps you'll like to try the products first before becoming a distributor.

Please go to the Edmark products E-store to order any product you want and I'll ship it to you anywhere you are in the world.

order now




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